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Showing posts from May, 2023

Researchers discover brain markers for chronic pain

  Researchers   have   discovered   brain   signals   that   indicate   how   much   experience   a   patient   has   had,   and   they   say   the   study   is   a   step   toward   new   treatments   for   people   with   serious   illnesses. Researchers   have   identified   for   the   first   time   the   brain   activity   behind   chronic   pain   patients,   raising   hopes   that   brain   treatments   are   already   being   used   for   Parkinson's   disease   and   depression,   may   help   people   who   have   no   other   choice. UCSF   Neuroscience   Prasad   Shirvalkar,   "We   learned   that   chronic   pain   can   be   done   and   predicted   in   the   real   world   when   patients   are   walking   their   dogs,   at   home,   when   they   wake   up   in   the   morning   and   start   life."   Researcher   and   principal   investigator   on   the   project. The   'silent   epidemic'   of   chronic   pain   affects   almost   28   millio